Sunday, April 5, 2009

Oh, Angel Games....

So I just got my first set of angel tickets for 2009. Nick and I are going on Thursday, I am SOOOO excited :D
We bought them from Kendall and Justin, they got season tickets this year. You can buy tickets from them too by clicking here
For those of you who don't know, I am a HUGE angel fan, Nick is too.... :)


K.C. said...

So the seats are in the outfield?

K.C. said...

Oh, we should all go to an Angel game and then to Mexicasa!

Allison said...

Angel game, yes, mexicasa - no, I'm sure michelle and nick will agree with me :)

Jacob said...

Are you getting money for posting a hyperlink to the ticket sale page? Haha

Allison said...

lol no but that would be nice.

Us and our boys....Walter, ily, Preacher + Savior said...

Hello did someone forget about ME and my wonderful husband WALTER?... maybe I should ask him first...
"Walter you DO want to go to an Angels game RIGHT!"

See told ya.... it worked!
so invite us you mean evil friends!!